Saturday, June 19, 2010

Motoo baby day!

Hey everyone,
Leah and I left the labour ward exhausted and worried but happy that Ondrea and Dana (US midwives) were starting their shift and taking over for us.

Here is the day in brief:
1: we walk in the labour room, a student is getting ready to catch the baby and so we receive it. Everything went normally. YAY!

2: I notice a woman pushing and so I set up to deliver. I refused to do an episotomy. The pushing was considered "prolonged" after maybe 20 minutes. The baby was born BIG. The woman did need some suturing (very minimal)and Leah helped with me that part and everything came together well.

3:A woman delivered a 16 weeker. Baby was born somewhat alive. The woman needed comforting after. I hate not speaking Hindi!

4: Before lunch, a woman was found pushing, so a student set up. Leah and I put on our gloves to the receive the baby. We taught the student to pull the cord over the baby's head instead of cutting it. Thankfully we did, because this was a SHOULDER DYSTOCIA! We quickly got the woman in mcroberts and did supra pubic pressure, still nothing, so I got my hands in there and did rubins. The shoulders were definitely impacted behind the pubic bone, however, we only needed to do 3 maneuvers. Baby only needed stimulation to breath. Phew!

5: After lunch, Leah got ready to catch a baby when we saw the buldging bag of waters come out of a woman's vagina. Management is a bit difficult here. They like women to deliver very quickly. So what we do, is try to set up slowly or let the woman push until we see the head before we set up. If a woman pushes for 30 minutes (sometimes less) she will definitely get an episitomy and maybe vaccum. Anyhow, after lots of encouragement to push, good progress started to happen. This woman had polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) so we prepared for postpartum hemorrhage. Thankfully we did, because the woman did bleed. The Baby was born big and was followed by a huge gush of amniotic fluid. The shift was changing, but we didnt want to leave this woman when she was bleeding because who would take care of her.
Thankfully, Ondrea and Dana arrived.

5: I told Ondrea about another woman who was pushing (because she desperately wanted to catch a baby) and caught that baby with a student (one that we really like).

6: While Dana, Leah and I were dealing with the post partum hemorrhage... still (#4). I turned around and saw a FACE coming out of the next patient beside me. It was so weird and cool to see the face. Prior to this (hour and a half before) I checked the woman when she was maybe 2 cm dilated, clearly not in labour. I was confused about the presentation. I thought it was either a breech or a face. I was checking her because another nurse was having difficulties in determining presentation as well. I asked for an ultrasound but the ultrasound machine was away (who knows where) and so that case was put off... until the baby came out! The baby's head was shaped weirdly, but the baby was well.

Motoo means big baby boy and Moti means big baby girl.
Haaaa!!! We came out of the labour room in disbelief of some of the things we saw (management of cases).

Last night, Dana, Ondrea and I saw another transvestite parade. Some of the men were wearing big lights shaped in a V on their heads. Quite interesting to see.
Tomorrow is our day OFF! YAY!

Lyly Bean

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